Speaker: Rev. Amy Williams Clark

Sunday April 18 Service: Continuous Beginnings

  SUNDAY, APRIL 18, 2021 REV. AMY WILLIAMS CLARK: CONTINUOUS BEGINNINGS Each day we begin anew with the past bringing us to today and the future before us. In this sermon, we will explore process theology from a Unitarian Universalist perspective.    Online Order of Service Link

Care as a Spiritual Practice

To bring beloved community into reality, we need spiritual practices.  What would the world look like if we centered care as we look to the future?  Join us as we explore beloved community and ways that care can be central to our spiritual practice.

Hope and Imagine

What are your hopes for this year? We are on the cusp of a new administration, a new year, and creating a new “normal.” Utilizing Unitarian and Universalist theology we will imagine what a reality of hope might look like. 

Paradigms of Change

Paradigms of change- In this time of change in our country, it is helpful to look at the ways we view the world.  As we face challenges, crises, and illness there are inevitable changes.  This week we will look at some of the ways in which our faith provides life-giving and justice-minded paradigms.

Ways of Listening

Listening happens through our sense of hearing, but can also be felt in our sense of touch.  We can listen to others, ourselves, and the world around us.  In this time of political and spiritual angst, listening is more important than ever.