Board Members


President, Becky Zimmerman

She can be reached at:


Vice President, Sherry Dean


Additional Members:


Cindy Hirshberg

Steve Hirsch 

David Pittman




Treasurer, Lisa Miller

He can be reached at:



Cedarhurst is actively searching for a new minister. Our last minister served at CUU for almost nine years. During that time, Cedarhurst added new members – even during the pandemic, increased the diversity of the congregation and became more intentionally welcoming, expanded our engagement with the community, and began collaborating with other faith groups. We look forward to more growth, diversity, community engagement and interfaith collaboration when our new minister arrives.




Congregational Life, Beth Schilpp


Worship, Maria Warburton


Endowment, Jay Levenson


Religious Education Council, Sherry Dean 


Staff Members


Pianist, Esther Shumatskaya 


Outreach Coordinator & Administrative Assistant – Nalina White

She can be reached at: