Our Services for March 15 thru March 29

Dear CUU Members and Friends-

As Unitarian Universalists, we affirm our interconnection with one another.  In times like these our interconnection becomes vividly clear.  As we hear the news, face empty shelves, and continually wash our hands, it is natural for our anxiety to rise.  Interconnection reminds us that we are within “an interlocking web of reality;” even at a distance our connection does not diminish.  Within connection through distance we can find strength, comfort and care for one another.  

Connection in Social Distance

As we each need to find social distance from one another, this does not mean that we are cut off from one another.  We are here for one another.  Cedarhurst is working hard to help you to stay connected with our faith community.  You will be receiving emails from me, with words of reflection and spiritual practices, and I hope you share those with others.  The board and I are working hard to think of ways to facilitate congregational connection and maintain social distance.  We welcome all of your ideas, together we can discover new ways of relating.  In the mean time we encourage you to call one another, send a card, play an on-line game with other members and friends.  This is a time when we need to be socially distant and spiritually present.

Today we can connect in “old school” ways of phone calls, cards, and waving to neighbors.  We also can embrace the technology of today to connect “face to face” through online means.

Reducing Anxiety

As a way to reduce anxiety, be gentle with yourself, care for your body, wash your hands thoroughly, and find moments to meditate and relax. Take time to connect with one another. I will be calling to check on you in the coming days and please call one another. 

As another means of reducing angst remember that hearsay and rumors are not facts, they are opinions and rumors.  We suggest that you choose 2-3 trustworthy resources for facts about the virus.  We must go to trustworthy science-based sources.  The UUA is monitoring the situation carefully and are using guidelines and up to date information from the CDC and WHO.  These are sources I trust.   Another resource is local news, because what is happening in DC is not what is happening in Baltimore, and may not be what is happening in Westminster.  

Sunday Services:

Although our building is currently closed, we are continuing Sunday Services – but in different formats. For this Sunday morning, we are connecting via Zoom at our normal 10:30 service time.  You can connect to the meeting via https://uuma.zoom.us/j/544184054 or call 301-715-8592 and use the Meeting ID 544 184 054. If not already on our email list, you may be added to it by emailing adminassist@cedarhurstuu.org.  This is the best way to keep up to date with any upcoming changes.  You may also contact our board president, Maria Warburton at boardpresident@cedarhurstuu.org or me at minister@cedarhurstuu.org with any questions or concerns.

Remember, we have gone through difficult times before, and we will get through this time – with one another.

Grace and Peace,

Rev. Amy